Bijans ChainDreams

B I J A N ' S
C r y s t a l s - f o r - B e a u t y - a n d - B a l a n c e
C r y s t a l s - f o r - B e a u t y - a n d - B a l a n c e
C r y s t a l s - f o r - B e a u t y - a n d - B a l a n c e
C r y s t a l s - f o r - B e a u t y - a n d - B a l a n c e
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S e l e n i t e  -  is a semi-precious stone often called "liquid light".  It is very powerful especially for emotions and energies.
Birth month: is not associated with any particular zodiac birthstone
Health: Increases positive energies, stopps negative thoughts,
Selenite bracelet SE-01

Pretty bracelet with a meaningful pendant (shamrock)

Spacer charm: Stainless steel
Color: White

Size of chain: 18 cm
Size of pearl: 8 mm
32.00 €
We offer you customized gem stones beautifully crafted to enchanting bracelets/ necklaces.
Choose between various gem colors, well being effects, birthstones, silver or stainless steel spacers with special meanings.
Create your own special chain just for you or your best friend.
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