Bijans ChainDreams

B I J A N ' S
C r y s t a l s - f o r - B e a u t y - a n d - B a l a n c e
C r y s t a l s - f o r - B e a u t y - a n d - B a l a n c e
C r y s t a l s - f o r - B e a u t y - a n d - B a l a n c e
C r y s t a l s - f o r - B e a u t y - a n d - B a l a n c e
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J a d e -  is a quite valued precious stone and symbolizes wealth and longevity as well as happines and luck.  It is often called the "Lucky stone". It also gives you energy and balance.  
Birth stone: March
Health: Life balance, reduces fears, increases the immune system, supports heart issues
Jade bracelet JA-02

Sporty bracelet with one stainless steel spacer charm

Spacer charm: Stainless steel
Color: Green

Size of chain: 20 cm
Size of pearl: 10 mm
32.00 €
Jade bracelet JA-01

Beautyful bracelet with three stainless steel spacer charms

Spacer charm: Stainless steel
Color: Green

Size of chain: 20 cm
Size of pearl: 10 mm
32.00 €
We offer you customized gem stones beautifully crafted to enchanting bracelets/ necklaces.
Choose between various gem colors, well being effects, birthstones, silver or stainless steel spacers with special meanings.
Create your own special chain just for you or your best friend.
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